Self Love

Self Love

Hello, and welcome to my site. For those who have already signed up and subscribed, thank you for joining me on my journey to create a community for women to discuss topics that are close to your hearts. Today, I want to talk about self-love, a topic that is quite significant. Self-love refers to the regard for one's own well-being and happiness. Incorporating self-love into daily life can involve treating oneself with kindness, respecting one's needs, and nurturing personal growth, which can lead to feelings of contentment and self-acceptance. Personally, I found it challenging during my early teens to look at myself and feel content; I would critically judge every aspect of myself, questioning why I was given these looks and why I wasn't like those beautiful girls with the amazing figures and beautiful faces who were simply born lucky. For a long time, I harboured anger towards the world and myself. Now, I truly believe that beauty manifests in many forms. I never acknowledged my own beauty because I was too preoccupied with others and fixated on what I lacked. It's only recently that I've begun to truly appreciate my own worth, recognizing the beauty within, not just outwardly, but the person I am inside. Once I reached my 30s, everything changed; something clicked. It was as if I woke up one morning and just stopped caring about others' opinions. I started standing in front of the mirror naked, and instead of critiquing myself negatively, I began acknowledging what I loved and what I could improve. This took time and patience, but eventually, I realized, "Oh my God, I love me. I love every part that's perfect and even the parts that aren't, and that's okay because I can change what I don't like or simply be the most imperfectly beautiful woman to exist." My 30s were fantastic; I became the version of myself I always wanted to be. I dressed how I wanted, no longer trying to fit in. Being one of a kind was my superpower, and now in my 40s, I'm still embracing it. The journey of self-discovery, I truly believe, will never end. At every stage of my life, I grow, I change; I dress differently, wear different jewellery, or go wild—but who cares? I'm finally embracing myself and my beautiful, imperfect self, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope whoever is reading this can somehow resonate with me, and if you want to share your journey, please let me know—drop an email.

Have a fabulous day my beautiful women xx


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